52 Ways to Show I Love You: Allocating Resources

Source: liuhonghezhengsji/Pixabay We each have resources available to us. Internal resources, such as our genetic potentials, developed talents, memories, personality styles. Motivations that animate us intersect with external resources — including time, money and energy — accessed through or heavily influenced by our environment at any moment. We constantly make decisions, consciously or unconsciously, about ways in which we use our resources. When we choose to use them in the service of a relationship or of someone we care about, we are showing [...]

52 Ways to Show I Love You: No Stealing

Thou shalt not - Photo by aitoff/Pixabay One of the five Buddhist precepts is “Do not take anything not freely given”. The same commandment appears as “Do not steal” in the Hebrew Bible (Exodus 20:15 and Leviticus 19:11) and the Western religions that grew from it. One way of thinking about that commandment is to realize that taking what is rightfully in one person’s domain is theft unless done with that person’s explicit permission. Showing love means to [...]

52 Ways to Show I Love You: Giving

Offering earth's finest - Photo by Hietaparta I asked a granddaughter to describe her favorite gifts. They were those that led to discovery, that made her smile, or that helped her feel recognized and understood. She described receiving two clean mayonnaise jars for her birthday, one labeled “Quotes” and the other “Happiness." Inside the “Quotes” jar, her friend had placed 100 handwritten quotations on brightly colored post-it notes, each folded in half. The “Happiness” jar was empty.  An [...]

52 Ways to Show I Love You: Remembering

David and I had been living in different cultures.  Twenty years ago, what were peripheral holidays in France were major occasions in the United States, thanks in part to Hallmark and other corporate marketing strategies.   When he visited me in the United States and I observed celebrations with food and festivities, he enjoyed them and I (wrongly) assumed he understood how much joining in such national or religious rituals meant to me.  (They still do - see my initial post [...]

52 Ways to Show I Love You: Listening

"Le Cri" by Auguste Rodin, Musee Rodin, Paris This morning my husband and I had one of our rare fights.  He asked me if I had seen anything interesting during my online skim of The New York Times  morning  headlines. I began to describe my reaction to an Op-Ed piece written by Alexa O’Brien about Amazon’s use of the helper technology that shares her name, a reference to the Greek goddess who defends and protects.  I was explaining what [...]

2018-01-31T21:03:58+00:00February 22nd, 2017|Categories: Aspects of Loving, Close Relationships of many kinds, Life, Refracted|

52 Ways to Show I Love You: Sharing

A Swedish proverb promises: “Shared joy is double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.”  Experiences of sharing — anything from a troubling dream to an ice cream cone — can show “I Love You” across cultures, gender, age.  A two-year old will reach out her hand to offer a turn at a toy to someone she trusts and wants to see smile; a romantic relationship takes a step forward when one person offers a sip from his or her drink to the other [...]

2018-01-31T21:03:59+00:00February 18th, 2017|Categories: Aspects of Loving, Close Relationships of many kinds, Life, Refracted|

52 Ways to Show I Love You – #2, Touching

To make us more aware of all the ways we can make love real, that we can show "I Love You" both with and without words, each Sunday I am posting a piece on PsychologyToday.com describing the what, how and why of another way to express love.  Today's entry describes "Touching" and appears here.   Please send me your own stories of ways you show love or feel it coming from someone else.  I will keep track of them and [...]

52 Ways to Show I Love You, Inaugural Column

Today, I am delighted to wish you a Happy New Year.  May the year 2017 bring you excellent health, many joys, and the very brightest of discoveries.  I am also delighted to share my first column for "52 Ways to Show I Love You", written for my blog on Psychology Today, "Life, Refracted".  You can sign up to receive the column directly from Psychology Today on that page or on my own website.  If you sign up to automatically receive [...]

Blog posts missing – why and what’s coming soon!

Dear Reader, I have been neglecting this blog for weeks, ever since I began posting more scholarly or professional pieces as a regular column, “Life, Refracted”, on PsychologyToday.com.   The links to those essays appear on this website, under “Articles and Essays”.  How did this come about? In the spring of 2016, in support of Miracle at Midlife:  A Transatlantic Romance, my publicist suggested I write “10 Things About Long-Distance Love”.  Soon I realized that I had far more than ten [...]

Women Tend and Befriend, Witness the Bonobos

A sense of sisterhood runs deep.  In a recent article in the New York Times, Natalie Angier reported on female bonding in bonobos.  She described a species equal to chimpanzees in biological closeness to humans and intelligence, but radically different in social organization and mores. Bonobos are matriarchal instead of male-dominated, cooperative rather than competitive. They nurture their young rather than murder them, and they are quick to help or protect one another when need arises.  They share, rather than fight [...]

2018-01-31T21:04:04+00:00September 17th, 2016|Categories: Close Relationships of many kinds, Psychology and the bigger picture|
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